Keeping pulse on the modernisation of the administration
Keeping pulse on the modernisation of the administration
Areas of specialisation
Rule of Law
ICT and Innovation
Good Governance
Economic Development

Mission Statement
KLSC is a consultancy company based in Pristina, Kosovo. Established in 2011, KLSC operates as a limited liability company that provides consulting services with a multi-national team being in a mission of designing, managing and leading donor funded projects.
Being fond believers that only through establishing innovative systems we present a long-term antidote of the most pressing problems faced in wide range of sectors like:
Rule of Law
ICT and Innovation
Good Governance
Economic Development
EU Integration
As the trusted partner of the international donors community of Kosovo we have driven transformations of Kosovo Public Administration being by their side while navigating through complex challenges faced.
Our vision is to empower public, private and third sectors to achieve sustainable growth and innovation through strategic guidance and tailored solutions.
KLSC aims to establish a stronger culture of efficiency, reliability and effectiveness in public services delivery and accountability.
Work Principles
Independently from individual qualities, we will always be more successful as a group. At KLSC, we put team’s success ahead of our personal one from the early stages of a project until its end.
We are committed to provide high-quality consultancy services. We help our employees in delivering the best outcome possible by providing thorough feedback and assistance to their job. We always target ambitious goals and aim to improve ourselves.
Our work is all based on the key principle of transparency. We are available, whenever possible, to disclose and grant access to information regarding our projects, structure, activities and finances.
The accountability standards at KLSC are based on ethical standards of our professionals in their everyday activities. We hold ourselves accountable for our results and actions.
We are passionate about our company and our daily activities. At KLSC our work is driven by our desire to succeed and positively impact people’s lives.
Our team is composed of highly skilled professionals playing a crucial role in the success of the company. Being innovative and customer focused as well as driven by excellence, we always manage to not only meet the expectations of our clients, but set new standards too.

Work with us
KLSC is always searching for talented and experienced individuals eager to make the difference. Our group is focused to build a stimulating and engaging environment that offers enthusing career paths to our employees. We provide a fast-paced work environment for our employees to nurture and improve their professional skills and growth their network. We firmly believe that our organization’s original team-oriented approach provides us with the right tools to deliver highly specialized and efficient project management. We are looking for professionals that strives for knowledge with exceptional problem-solving skills, ability to lead and passion. Based in Pristina, our employees, our strongest asset, engage with individuals, local and international organizations to shape and analyse the policies that will impact the future.
So, if you are interested working with us, please do not hesitate to email us at
Donors with whom we have worked so far:
We deliver results
September 2024 – September 2026
North Macedonia
The primary goal of this project is to enhance national capacities in combating organized crime by refining the system for managing criminal cases. Specifically, the project aims to establish a new IT tool – the Law Enforcement Record, Data and Case Management System within the Law Enforcement Agencies. This system will ensure efficient management of records related to law enforcement operations and investigations targeting organized crime, corruption, and terrorism. Additionally, the LERMS system will provide advanced analytical functionalities for generating structured data and facilitate reliable data exchange among various Law Enforcement Agencies.
December 2023 – April 2025
The overall objective of the assignment is to support the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation to improve the standards of higher education infrastructure and support the delivery of education services in public higher education institutions. The key areas of interventions of this project lay between determining the market (demand-supply) needs, providing capacity building in the core functions of the higher education institutions as well as delivering a prioritization list for further investments by the EIB.
August 2023 – June 2025
The E-File Application is designed to be a court electronic counter enabling citizens or their legal representatives, to initiate a civil or administrative case remotely without a need for physical presence in the court and hard-copy delivery. The use of application will increase the performance of courts and enhance their delivery of services to citizens. Both the courts of Kosovo and the citizens of Kosovo recognize the mutual value of e-File.
June 2023 – December 2024
We have built a sustainable solution leading to long-lasting change by utilizing new and appropriate method and technology for elevating existing legal challenges that affect citizens. Through the digitalization of the bankruptcy certificate issuance process, we do ease the access to justice for Kosovo citizens and businesses, streamline the process of obtaining certificates (it will automate the manual processes involved in obtaining a non-bankruptcy certificate, reducing the time and effort required for businesses to obtain one) and improve the accuracy and integrity of the data by being interoperable with the Business Registration Agency of Kosovo.
February 2023 – January 2025
The overall objective of the project is to increase efficiency and productivity of the private sector through increased use of ICT, create proper e-business/e-commerce ecosystem, and improve electronic service delivery for citizens and businesses. Through this project we are contributing to Government efforts to digitalize and increase competitiveness and profitability of Kosovo businesses and to improve performance of businesses by increased ICT usage.
June 2020 – June 2025
The overall objective is to enhance the quality based, accountable education and training system, in line with the best international and EU practices in the field of pre-university education. This project aims on setting up and implementing the mechanisms for implementation of merit based, non- discriminatory, gender-equal, and transparent recruitment of teachers and school directors. Additionally, the project will support the preparation of the framework for quality assurance and monitoring of teachers’ professional development system and will review the current state of teacher professional development and relevant quality assurance procedures in place and supporting processes related to the drafting and revising the textbooks and the work of professional teams for a gender-sensitive review of the textbook.
December 2023 – December 2025
The overall objective of this contract is to enhance the transparency and information sharing regarding donor support for civil society organizations (CSOs) in Kosovo by upgrading and refining the Civil Society Donors Platform. This contract aims to achieve this by providing an upgraded platform that ensures improved functionality and ease of navigation for all users. Specifically, we aim at delivering a user-friendly interface, streamline access to relevant data, and facilitate efficient communication among donors and CSOs.
February 2024 – June 2024
The main objective of this project is to review AS-IS processes and design TO-BE processes for the digitalization of up to 50 Permits & Licenses (agreed with IFC and Client – the Government) in Kosovo; and implement the digitalized TO-BE processes for them.
January 2019 – February 2024
The overall objective was to support the Government of Kosovo to further develop its institutional capacity to create the basis for sustainable economy standards in line with the EU acquis and the SAA requirements. The project supported the Kosovo Competition Authority and State Aid Commission towards ensuring a competitive environment in Kosovo and a higher level of discipline in state aids by increasing and strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative capacities in the fields of competition and state aid and ensuring the approximation of legislation in these fields with the EU legal framework.
July 2017 – January 2023
The general objective of this project was to support Kosovo Government in achieving progress in improving the standards of the judiciary as well as in the establishment and implementation of a National Centralized Record Registry and in the digitalization of old criminal records. The purpose of this project is to provide support on the completion of the policy, legal and administrative framework and technical set-up for the establishment and implementation of a National Centralized Criminal Records Registry, in order to ensure the establishment of a fully functional Registry at central and courts level and ensuring the issue of the reliable conviction certificates through the system in line with international standards and ECRIS requirements.
February 2022 – August 2022
The overall objective of this project was to formulate an operational Monitoring and Evaluation System to monitor the project outputs and activities. Specific efforts were given in the: Development of the Methodology for Monitoring and Evaluation; Establishment of the effective data collection system and reporting forms; Designing and carrying out the baseline survey; Identifying verifications sources; Establishment of the operational manual for M&E system; and drafting and delivery of Mid-Term Report.
January 2021 – October 2022
The general objective of this assignment was to assess the environment and its components, identify constraints, pre-requisites, make actionable recommendations and provide a roadmap for the successful implementation and rollout of two systems: Case Tracking Mechanism and Online Data Platform. By building the two online systems we contributed directly on the provision of access to justice for all citizens of Kosovo on improving the quality of the judicial decisions and promoting them to the general public.
June 2021 – May 2022
The objective of this contract was to conduct an assessment of legislation, data systems and structures related to internal migration in place, and review their functioning, implementation, monitoring and identify deficiencies in the current overall migration system and provide recommendations for the improvement of internal migration management in Kosovo.
March 2021 – December 2023
The overall objective of this contract was to contribute to the development of a sustainable civil society in Kosovo as capable, transparent and independent actor and to increase the resilience of the media against external pressures. Through enhanced monitoring, coordination and communication services we improved the effectiveness and impact of the EU assistance to civil society and media in Kosovo.
June 2020 – June 2022
The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards enhancing the reliability of Kosovo’s civil status registration system in the framework of the 2011 Belgrade-Pristina Agreed Conclusions and of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Kosovo. The project objective emphasizes the EU approach towards civil registration, that the creation and maintenance of legal identities is dependent on reliable robust recording, storing and sharing of data related to citizens of Kosovo.
February 2018 – June 2020
The overall objective of this project was to strengthen the infrastructure and improve the capacities of the Ministry of European Integration to effectively coordinate the planning and implementation of the Stabilization Association Agreement, by implementing activities grouped under two components: C1: Enhance knowledge of Kosovo citizens on SAA and European Integration Process and C2: Increase participation of CSOs and enhance gender equality in EU Integration process.
February 2017 – February 2020
The overall objective of this project was to support Kosovo in the prevention and fight of organized crime, including money laundering, corruption and violent extremism. KLSC’s employees’ expertise were key in leading the project in its objective to strengthen inter-institutional regional and international cooperation mechanisms in the prevention and fight of financial crimes.
July 2016 - August 2020
The overall objective was to provide technical assistance to support the Ministry of Justice and the respective bodies in reviewing the legal framework that concerns newly created free legal professions, in developing professional and ethical standards and also in increasing awareness of other related judiciary entities/institutions on the role and relevance of the free legal profession to the overall efficient functioning of the RoL in Kosovo.
November 2015 – November 2020
USAID’s Justice System Strengthening Program (JSSP) was a five-year rule of law program that was built upon USAID’s prior efforts to advance the rule of law in Kosovo and ensure that the justice system operates in a professional, efficient, and accountable manner. The program focused on promoting a judicial system that adheres to high standards of independence, impartiality, integrity, accountability, and transparency, and on supporting the functioning and integration of judicial structures in the North.
April 2016 – November 2016
The overall objective of the project is to analyse and recommend further improvement of the legal/regulatory framework and to help the Kosovo Cadastral Agency in drafting a new Integrated Draft Law on Cadastre. Our efforts were divided into: drafting the comprehensive Integrated Law on Cadastre; providing recommendations on legal acts that need to be changed based on the new law and presenting the drafts at the necessary government and parliamentary working groups or commissions.
November 2015 – July 2016
The general objective was to ensure effective, efficient and transparent review of appeals in regard to constructions without a permit. The activities of this program were designed based on three key pillars: 1) Develop a knowledge base to meet the changing and evolving needs of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in reviewing all appeals in a timely, efficient and transparent manner; 2: Provide technical expertise and hands on assistance to the legal department of the MESP; and 3: Raise standards of performance and establish rules, policies and procedures to ensure the process is transparent, efficient, effective and free of corruption.
June 2014 – June 2016
The objective of this project is to strengthen the rule of law and approximate domestic legislation of Kosovo with the European standards in the area of justice and property rights. As Kosovo’s legal framework in the area of civil law and property rights is a complex mix of legal acts adopted in different historic periods based on different legal traditions we initiated the process of drafting a new comprehensive civil code in compliance with EU acquis and therefore improve the coherency of the regulatory framework in civil and property rights.
February 2013 – April 2016
Supporting Kosovo authorities to strengthen the rule of law and the overall fight against organized crime with a focus on financial and economic crimes. The project supported the Agency for Managing of Sequestrated and Confiscated Assets in its capacity building efforts by strengthening its administrative, policy making and legal drafting capacities to enhance its efforts in combating crime.
February 2013 – February 2015
Support Kosovo authorities to strengthen the rule of law by further supporting general law enforcement and the overall fight against organized crime with a focus on financial and economic crime. The purpose of the project was to strengthen the Financial Intelligence Unit, the Ministry of Finance herein also the Office of the Prime Minister and other law enforcement agencies in the effective enforcement of a harmonized and comprehensive legal and other regulatory framework to combat financial crime and corruption.